“We do this, we go all the way. I will face you at WrestleMania under one condition… Hell in a Cell!” –Triple H to the Undertaker
The moment Triple H said this sentence on Raw, this writer among many other wrestling fans exclaimed in joyous surprise a big loud, “WHAT?!” While the Undertaker and Triple H rule the Hell in a Cell and their records in that demonic structure are unfathomable, nobody ever thought in their lifetime we would see them face off in Hell in a Cell. It is a dream match that many thought would just remain a fantasy cooked up in their head. It is now reality and this match sure as hell beats Undertaker vs. Triple H, Streak vs. Career with Shawn Michaels as Special Guest Referee that many wrestling fans including yours truly thought would happen at this year’s WrestleMania. With CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus, John Cena vs. The Rock and now this match announced for the card, WrestleMania 28 looks to be a show that you should not miss.
Let us rewind one year to the infamous 2/21/11. Hoping it would be something more than the return of the Undertaker, possibly Sting finally coming to the WWE, WWE gave us the return of Undertaker. Immediately following the Undertaker, Triple H made his return to the WWE and Undertaker vs. Triple H at WrestleMania 27 was born out of a stare down. In the weeks that followed, the build for this match felt forced to the point that WWE was trying to sell fans on the match through video packages of other WWE superstars and divas talking about the match. Undertaker and Triple H had no actual interaction until the Raw before WrestleMania where WWE gave us an excellent promo between Taker, Triple H and Shawn Michaels that actually had the story develop farther than Triple H wants to end the Streak and the Undertaker wants to continue the Streak. It was too late as this story developments should have happened in the weeks before. Undertaker vs. Triple H at WrestleMania 27 turned out to be a great match (I personally gave it 9 out of 10), but it felt more like the opening chapter of a feud than the climactic clash it should have been built as. At the end of the match, the Undertaker had to be stretchered out of the Georgia Dome, which things up for a return match at some point. Fast forward about 10 months, Triple H, now the COO of the WWE, was about to fire John Laurinaitus only to interrupted by the return of the Undertaker. Looking for revenge for what Triple H did to him at WrestleMania 27, the Undertaker challenged Triple H to a match at WrestleMania, but the COO of the WWE declined. The following weeks leading up to Elimination Chamber, the Undertaker would push the issue saying that their feud was not. Shawn Michaels even made his voice heard on the issue, calling out his best friend, Triple H on declining Undertaker’s challenge. All roads lead to Triple H finally accepting Undertaker’s challenge last Monday night on Raw in one of the best moments on this year’s Road to WrestleMania. Now we will have to see where this feud goes from here, but hopefully the WWE uses the next month to build the enormity of this match. It truly could be an end of an era in the WWE.
It is really funny how one year ago I hated how WWE handled this whole Undertaker vs. Triple H feud and now a year later it is the best thing about the Road to WrestleMania 28. Sorry about the late post, was not up to writing last night, I was really tired. The Road to WrestleMania 28 series will return next weekend. Next weeks’ topic will be a more opinionated piece as I will give my opinions on both The Rock and John Cena as we lead up to their big main event at WrestleMania 28.