With less than three weeks of build, WWE managed to pull off a PPV worse than last year’s Over the Limit with this year’s incredibly horrid event. At least this year’s Over the Limit was better than Victory Road, but that is not saying much. WWE bounced back with a pretty good set of shows. Raw introduced some much needed new feuds such as Alberto Del Rio vs. the Big Show, The Miz vs. Alex Riley and possibly either R-Truth or CM Punk vs. John Cena. On Smackdown, a new No. 1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship was crowned in Sheamus. Sheamus will be challenging Randy Orton for the World Title in the main event of next week’s Smackdown in what should be a really good match. TNA continued what they have doing for months now; same nonsense, just a different week. At least TNA gave us one great match in Kurt Angle vs. RVD for a main event. Now only if they put more matches like this one on Impact Wrestling. It is quite shocking for a 2-hour show like Impact Wrestling, which is supposedly all about wrestling, to have the same amount of time or even less dedicated to wrestling than a 1-hour show like Superstars; just some food for thought. This week same many great matches contested all week long, but only one of them can win the Silverdome Match of the Week. This week’s winner ousted Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre, from Raw, Santino Marella vs. Zack Ryder from WWE Superstars, Kurt Angle vs. RVD from Impact Wrestling and Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan and Christian vs. Mark Henry vs. Sheamus both form Smackdown to win this week’s award. The Silverdome Match of the Week is Christian vs. Randy Orton from last Sunday’s Over the Limit PPV event.
For the past five months, the World Heavyweight Championship scene has been producing the best title matches in the WWE. Each and every PPV this year, the World Title match has outshone the WWE Championship match. The trend continued this Sunday when Christian got his rematch against Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship. From the very start of the match, the crowd in the KeyArena was completely engrossed in this match as they chanted and cheered throughout the entire bout. Christian and Orton started with the very common opening series of lock-ups, headlocks and shoulder blocks. This series would start a gradual build as Captain Charisma and the Viper would exchange bigger and harder moves throughout the match. They would eventually build to the point where they would be pulling out all their heavy-hitters. Randy Orton and Christian exchanged move after move, but to no avail as they would either kick out of the pin attempt or reverse the move. Both superstars were so evenly matched that it was incredibly hard to execute their finishers. Christian reversed many of Orton’s attempts at the RKO and Orton would reverse Christian’s many attempts at the Killswitch. One impressive counter was when Orton reversed Christian’s spear into his signature powerslam. The counters and reversals would continue until Orton would hit the RKO immediately after reversing one Christian’s attempts at the Killswitch in order to retain the World Heavyweight Title. After the match, we got some nice hints at an eventual heel turn for Christian as the Pontiff of the Peepulation showed a reluctantly shook Orton’s hand. The handshake came after Christian had pushed Orton away from helping him up. These hints along with Christian’s reaction to Orton inadvertently costing him the No. 1 Contender’s Triple Threat on Smackdown just screams a heel turn for Captain Charisma. Hopefully this eventual heel turn will turn into another run as World Heavyweight Champion for Christian.
Another eventful week in the World of Wrestling is complete. Hopefully the WWE starts announcing the matches for their upcoming PPV, Capitol Punishment and TNA announces a few more matches for the ninth annual anniversary PPV, Slammiversary IX. Other than the World Title match between Randy Orton and Sheamus this coming Friday on Smackdown, no other matches or segments have been announced for this week’s batch of wrestling shows. Sorry for the late post. I hope you enjoyed this article and have a great week. Cheers.